We will act first and always in your interest – not as an agent for another company.

We will act first and always in your interest – not as an agent for another company.
Lashley Financial is an independent company. We are not a subsidiary or an associate of any insurer, bank or asset manager.
We do not provide financial products. Instead we provide independent guidance. Therefore, any product we recommend will be the best available in the market, based on your needs and circumstances.
We are not salespeople paid by commission for selling company products – you pay us for our professional guidance and advice irrespective of whether a product is sold. Though, we may receive commissions in our role as broker for the placement of financial products with third parties, we work for you and offer you choice.
Where we provide paid advice to you as part of the process, you are free to select any broker or agent for the placement of your business; where we provide placement, we will give you a choice (where choice exists in the market) of financial solutions and providers – and we provide a rationale for our recommendation.
We provide independent guidance so that you get the right solutions for you or your company.
You can be assured that the recommendations we make and the solutions we offer are best for you, your family or your company.
Do to others what you would have them do to you.