Your Broker
Your broker works for you – not for the insurance company.
Your broker will help you to address the issues below.
- What do I need the plan for?
- How much does the plan cost?
- What is covered by my plan?
- What is NOT covered by my plan?
- What can I afford?
- Will my legitimate claims be paid – fairly and promptly?
- How stable, reliable and efficient is my insurance company?
And help you to answer the following questions?
- Do you have sufficient life insurance coverage in case of your premature death?
- Are you covered against the primary critical illnesses, such as cancer, heart attack and stroke that can cause emotional and financial distress?
- What would happen if you lost an arm, leg or eye in an accident, particularly if you could no longer work?
- Is your home, and its contents, adequately covered – for the right risks and for the right value?
- And what if your friend fell and was injured on your patio, and sued you because he/she could not work for six months?
- Do you have a good motor insurance policy from a solid insurance company?
- Do you know what is – and is not – covered?
- If you think that we can’t afford the insurance premiums, can you afford the potential cost of not having insurance?
We recommend that you appoint a broker to assist you in managing your insurance needs.